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Oct 1, 20205 min read
WVW: John 14:16- Is Muhammad in the Bible? Part III
One time while reading the Quran, I saw in parenthesis a reference to John 14:16. So why in the world did this Quran put in parentheses a...

Sep 23, 20204 min read
WVW: Deuteronomy 18:18- Is Muhammad in the Bible? Part II
Muhammad, a Prophet Like Moses? Moses, Time Magazine, Google algorithms, and Muhammad. Notice a theme yet? Of course not. So why in the...

Sep 16, 20204 min read
WVW: Song of Solomon 5:16: Is Muhammad in the Bible?
Recently I was looking through the many messages in my inbox and came across one where a person was asking for help. Help for what, you...
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